+44 (0)1302 952 040


We mean green

Sustainability runs through all products and business activities. 

Our world-class customer service is provided with the utmost integrity, and our one-of-a-kind products have sustainability woven throughout – from the way they are sourced and manufactured, to the direct environmental benefits they bring. 

Green suppliers

It’s important that we work with suppliers who adopt a similar environmental outlook to HRD. We are fortunate enough to work with a major carbon neutral steel supplier, Ovako, who provide the steel for the fishplates that are assembled into our in-rail insulated joints.

As world-leading suppliers of high-performing steels that enable large energy and CO2 savings, they invest heavily in sustainability and carbon reductions.

In addition, and where possible, we ensure all our UK suppliers are within 50 miles of our Doncaster facilities, and work collaboratively to help them increase their own sustainability efforts. We try to give suppliers as much visibility into our operations as possible, so they can easily see how our environmental practices play out. 

In fact, forging cooperative partnerships is what has allowed HRD to create high-quality, sustainable products that create jobs. Sustainability to us is as much about sustaining the environment as it is about sustaining the group of people who work for us. Our founder, Michael Hird, is all about looking after Doncaster, upskilling local talent and supplying environmentally friendly rail services out of our Doncaster-based facilities. 

Green processes

  • 70% of products are recycled
  • Electric vehicles and forklifts
  • 100% of waste from our factories is recycled
  • Where possible, all office waste is recycled and any that isn’t is compressed into fuel bales

Green products

Like all the other companies within the HIRD group, all of our products offer environmental benefits, and as much as possible can be recycled after their lifetime. For example, our PRISMA anti-trespass panels are made entirely from recycled aircraft tyres, while our polymer bearers and sleepers are made from 100% recycled polymer and use 35% less material than their competing counterparts. Just as importantly, our repair products are designed to protect and prolong rail life, reducing the need for replacements.

Green team

All elements of our business are geared towards helping the industries we collaborate with in achieving Net Zero. We’re proud to have a dedicated team that play a huge part in this. 

This comes from hiring the right people, as well as investing in extensive training to encourage staff to be more environmentally conscious. It’s important we help our employees better understand the role they can play in minimising the company’s carbon footprint, as well as their own.

We are soon to be a living wage employer and welcome employees of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds.